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Aircraft Sheet metal Work
SKU: SheetMetalWork
Categories: Aircraft Plans, All Plans, Machinery Plans, Recently Added, Vintage Plans
Aircraft Sheet metal Work
A selection of publications from the 30’s and 40’s
They wrote the book back then. There was nothing before it. They had to learn all about this “new” material and how to make it work.
Their tools were basic, and the techniques had to be developed to tame the metal. You can ask in amazement “How did they do that”? But they did it !
A lot of these techniques simply aren't taught any more. Automation and mass production has changed the way factories produce components.
An absolutely excellent reference those involved in restoration work and need to replicate the techology of the age.
Full of technical explanations and superb illustrations. It’s all in this package.
Very relevant for today’s airplane constructor.
A “Must Have” for reference.
File Size: 16mb ZIP file containing PDFs
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